Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!

The Chiseled Brick took a bath yesterday, and now awaits it's upgrades this coming week.


Friday, December 08, 2006

A few updates

Alright I've got a few updates from good ol' Michigan. First, I finally bought the IPD sway bar kit. I plan on installing this over the course of my winter break. Everything that I've read says it should only take a few hours, but since my track record isn't that good I'll say I need a day or two.

Second, I'm due yet again for an oil change as The Chiseled Brick has hit 208,000 miles. I doubt I'll get to it this weekend though.

Finally, my car is completely covered in salt. If only a brilliant chemist could figure out a way to make salt a anti-rusting compound while retaining the deicing abilities.

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